admin 发表于 2021-1-5 19:01:19

PUBG Lite绝影多功能辅助

奇特吧PUBG Lite绝影多功能辅助,基于PUBG Steam绝影移植,由于时间和精力的缘故,Steam版后续找时间更新。





V0.1,第一版正式发布,只有透视功能,支持全窗口模式 全屏/窗口化/无边框,绘制不拖不卡

V0.2,第二版优化发布,1.添加观战人数 2.不再透视队友 3.显示敌方血量,距离,击杀数 4.优化安全体验

V0.3,第三版优化发布,1.增加菜单显隐开关 2.区分人物透视/骨骼透视/血量距离透视开关 3.增加飞车功能( Q E 控制高度 W S 控制前后 ) 4.子弹追踪菜单加入(目前未开放此功能)


V0.4.0,第五版优化发布,1.增加狙击连发功能 2.增加爆发无后/瞬间击中功能(两个功能一起开可以看到效果)3.增加人物加速功能 4.增加人物高跳功能 5.增加兼容模式(兼容模式针对部分用户运行后无法显示界面的问题,请下载文件解压后,在文件名加入“compat”然后运行即可。例:绝影0.4compat)


V0.5.x,第七版优化发布,1.修复子弹追踪在部分电脑无效的情况 2.优化了代码问题导致极少数人蓝屏的问题 3.增加的英文功能(看到外网有国际有几百人使用了)

add English language and fix magic bullet , active Magic bullet then enemy in fov Lock and open fire 。

V0.6.0,第八版优化发布,1.增加了可视判断(敌方绿色为可视/黄色为有遮挡)2.追踪范围可以用左右调节了(← 加大追踪范围→ 降低追踪范围 ← Increase FOV → Lowering FOV ) 3.优化了绘制 【如果大厅点击注入崩溃的可以尝试进入商城后再注入,If the hall clicks inject and crashes, you can try to enter the mall and inject again】

V0.7.0,第九版优化发布, 1. 修复子弹追踪掉帧问题2.优化绘制帧率,现在完全不掉帧了 3.修复绘制框,现在从头部绘制 4.优化子弹追踪,现在是自动追踪头部了(之前追踪脖子) 5.修复加载器不显示界面bug,移除兼容模式(english:1.fix magic bullet broke fps 2.fix esp draw broke fps 3.Optimize esp drawing 4.magic bullet be stronger hack loader )
不建议直接放在桌面上运行,如果你不需要使用了,正常点击绝影退出即可。It is not recommended to run it directly on the desktop. If you don't need to use it, just click close to exit

V0.7.1 第十版优化发布,1.新增机器人单位识别 2.新增玩家游戏名显示(名字是机器人则为人机)3.新增附近的人显示 (English:New function :robot identification. If the enemy name is "robot", it is AI. New function :The number of new nearby enemies is displayed.New function :Display enemy name)

V0.8.0 修复优化载具上不显示敌人的问题,0.7.1_4之前版本全部关闭, Fix the problem of not displaying enemies on vehicles

V0.9.0_1 1.增加自瞄功能 2.增加自瞄/追踪范围开关 3. 增加物品透视/防具透视/载具透视/武器透视/防具透视/弹药透视 4.优化安全性,现在不开子弹追踪会更加稳定。1. Add aimbot 2. Add aimbot / magic bullet fov switch; 3. Add item esp / armor esp / car esp / weapon esp / armor esp / ammor esp; 4. Optimize for account more security if you dont use flycar or magic bullet

V1.2.B 优化修复自瞄问题,优化修复组合热键问题,增加移除呼吸功能,增加玩家阵亡后盒子透视,优化透视单位颜色,优化增强自瞄功能.
Aimbot problem is optimized and repaired, and the combined hot key problem is optimized and repaired.Routine update,add remove breath function, add Deadbox esp, optimize perspective unit color, optimize aimbot

V1.3.20210105 例行修复检测到未授权程序更新

注意:每次被特征后使用新版本(游戏内检测到未授权程序)请先重启电脑再使用新版本,否则旧版数据还是会被扫描到 Note: unauthorized program detected in the game, please restart the computer then use the new version

注意:每次被特征后使用新版本(游戏内检测到未授权程序)请先重启电脑再使用新版本,否则旧版数据还是会被扫描到 Note: unauthorized program detected in the game, please restart the computer then use the new version

注意:每次被特征后使用新版本(游戏内检测到未授权程序)请先重启电脑再使用新版本,否则旧版数据还是会被扫描到 Note: unauthorized program detected in the game, please restart the computer then use the new version

QueStion:Why doesn't the lobby load respond?

答:首先确认你启动的游戏是PUBG LITE,进入游戏大厅如果点加载没生效可以重新开启绝影了重新载入功能,或者尝试先进入游戏商店后再点载入
Answer:First of all, make sure that the game you started is pubg Lite. Enter the game lobby. If the click load doesn't work, you can turn on the cheat reload again, or try to enter the game store first and then click load

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Question: Why the cheat get banned so fast?

Answer: It's normal because there are too many people using it,whenever the client detects unauthorized programs, your account has been blocked for 100 years. Since the account is free, I don't think this problem is serious. Please restart the computer and use the latest version and new account

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Question:Is it when the game appears "anti cheating is not activated, the game will exit" is detected ?

Answer: No , it's not be detected. Just click the check file and fix button on the game launcher , then run game and enjoy cheat**** 本内容需购买 ****

476642605 发表于 2021-1-31 20:06:41


栗山未来ai 发表于 2021-7-15 09:56:09


17600604307 发表于 2022-2-8 19:44:18

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